Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Got Tagged!

I was tagged. Not sure what does that mean though. Guess I just need to follow the instructions given by my tagger "Zewt":

"You guys are supposed to answer the 3 bloggers-related questions and mention 3 weird things about yourself in your blog and then tag 5 other bloggers"

Kinda like those chain mails you get all the time. However not as bad as those chain mails insisting you to forward emails to at least 20 people so that luck would favour you. Failure to forward the email...will normally invite some predicament.

I just hate those chain mails claiming that some big companies are sponsoring the chain mails. The more emails you forward, the more $$$ you get. GROW UP PEOPLE!!! Mr. Bill PAGAR got tons of money, but he wont spent it like that! All these chain mails are just banking on peoples' kiasu-ness, the fear of missing out on luck or money. Are you one of them?

This is the first time I heard of Tagging. It is a good way of spreading coverage of unknown blogs. Well, I guess mine is one of the road less travelled on. :)

Better get it over with.

1) Who is the most wanted blogger you want to meet?

Same as Zewt, that person would be Raja Petra Kamarudin. Respect his guts and very curious on his source of information. Check out his posts in Malaysia Today for alternative news.

2) Who are the group of blogger you most wanted to meet?

Hmm, don't really read a lot of blogs and don't really know any group of blogger. Maybe the group of blogger from Malaysia Today.

3) Who is the “I can meet, want to meet but somehow never get to meet blogger’?

Wow! A confusing one. Maybe Kennysia. He is in Malaysia, so it is possible to meet him. Just want to know whether he is such a joker in real person, or is he having some Jeckle and Hyde character.

Now on to the weird things,

Weird Thing No 1
Every night, I need to drink exactly one and a half cups of water before I sleep. Don't ask me why. I just feel weird and uncomfortable if it is not done. Some might say that drinking water just before sleeping might lead to puffy eyes. Don't care!

Weird Thing No 2
Every time I cut my big toe nail (which can be dirty sometimes), I have a tendency to....smell it. Knowing very well it would be a stinker, I just have to take a sniff....ahhhh...

Weird Thing No 3
I'm a natural hoarder. Every little piece of receipt, name cards, credit cards, member cards, whatever cards are kept in my wallet. You will never know when you might need it. I even have two expired credit cards in there as well. Of course, this would result in a humongous wallet.

To finish up, I need to tag 5 other blogger (forgive me, i'm forced at gun point).

murmurer : come on, you got talent! blog away!
sWeetoMato : why the sudden stop?!
Aileen : Blog on!

Will update the balance later :P


At 1:19 pm, Blogger zewt said...

well done!

i used to have your smell-toe syndromme... then i just psyche myself to cut that crap... but i know how it feels.... hahahahahaha!

by the way, do not reveal my true identity to anybody who may ask.

At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... i wonder the little 'love note' i gave u is in ur humongous wallet?

At 11:43 pm, Blogger ubean said...

glad to hear im not the only person with smell toe syndrome :D

lucky star:
yo! finally got to hear from ya. Kept it somewhere safer :D


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